Drawings and their value associated with life

Figure 1.  Jean-Antoine Watteau drawing

Drawing is an art or technique for creating images on the surface of the paper with help of ink, graphite, charcoal, technology, or any other tool. Consequently, there are both digital and physical drawings.  It is believed that many artistic creations are initiated from drawings.  These creations could be from the physical world or purely fictional and abstract.

Indeed, drawings offer a visual concept of human thinking and emotions. Drawing’s survival is not necessary after project completion. As it is the initial form of art, it can get dissolve in the final artistic representation.  For example, when we study artworks from the artists like Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso. We find their drawings sublimated in the final.

Bones provide structure to the body and in the same way drawings provide structure to artwork or architectural work. The motion of lines and connections among them offer a structure. Even drawings can offer extreme scope for bodies, space, depth, and movement.  Approaching and creating a drawing is more convenient and spontaneous than the other form of artistic endeavor. This is the reason, drawing contains artists’ pure and spontaneous emotions.

Drawings evolution and use in different ways

Cave drawings

Parietal art is also known as cave drawings or cave paintings found on the wall or ceilings of caves. The oldest known cave drawing is 44000 years old. Early humans were using hand stencils and simple geometric shapes for drawing construction.  

Figure 2. An artistic depiction of a group of rhinoceros was completed in the Chauvet Cave 30,000 to 32,000 years ago.

Bison, bulls, deer, and tracing of human hands called finger fluting are the common subjects of cave drawings. Rarely do we find human figures in the caves although; we find detailed drawings of animals.

Manuscript drawing

Drawings were the rigorous part of ancient manuscripts of Indian mythology. They are one of the earliest forms of manuscript drawings. These drawings contain depictions and illustrations of the incidents.

Figure 3. Leaf from a Byzantine Psalter and New Testament; 1079; ink, tempera and gold on vellum; sheet: 16.3 x 10.9 cm; Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio, USA)

Science Drawings

Drawing scientific observation is one of the important parts of scientific study. Even today, we use it for detailed study and observations.

Figure 4. The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci

Drawings as an artistic expression

As we already know, drawing is a form of artistic expression from the very old time.  After the invention of papers in the 14th century, drawings as an artist expression increased. The renaissance brought a lot of technique in the drawing field.

Figure 5. Albrecht Dürer, Self-Portrait at the Age of 13, 1484





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