Category: Progressive Artists’ Group

  • Progressive Artists’ Group – K. H. Ara

    Progressive Artists’ Group – K. H. Ara

    K.H. Ara was one of the artists from the renowned artist group Progressive Artists’ Group of Bombay. One of the founders of the Artists’ Centre in Mumbai. He was one of the first contemporary Indian painters to meticulously use the female nude as a subject. He hosted his first solo show in the Chetana restaurant…

  • Progressive Artists’ Group – H.A. Gade

    Progressive Artists’ Group – H.A. Gade

    H.A. Gade is one of the most gifted artists in the history of modern art in India. He was an experimenter and pioneered in Abstract Expressionism.  Gade was born in Talegaon Dashasar Village of district Amravati in Maharashtra. Unlike other artists who studied in art school, Gade studied at the University of Nagpur after that…

  • Progressive Artists’ Group— S.H. Raza

    Progressive Artists’ Group— S.H. Raza

    Introduction Born on February 22, 1922, in Babaria, Central Provinces, British India; Sayed Haider Raza was one of the six children of Sayed Mohammed Razi a deputy forest ranger of the Mandla District. S.H. Raza shows an early interest in drawings. At age 12, he was showing some skill for drawings and paintings and at…

  • Progressive Artists’ Group- F.N. Souza

    Progressive Artists’ Group- F.N. Souza

    Francis Newton Souza was born in Goa, India, in 1924. He is one of the most influential artists in the Indian art world. In his childhood he attended St. Xavier’s High School then runs by Jesuit priests. It was the time when he learned about paintings, drawings and explores the oleographs, prints, and pictures imported…